Tuesday, May 24, 2011

News Reporting in a Multimedia World

In the past few weeks In my reporting class at Oregon State University, we have been having guest speakers which I find very helpful and interesting. This week Matt Neznanski spoke in front of my class. He received his Master's Degree from Iowa State University in 2007. He is currently the Director of Communications at Brass Media. 

Brass Media is a socially driven media and technology driven company dedicated to helping young adults understand money. Brass Media is located in Corvallis, Oregon. 

But before that he was a reporter at Gazette times. During in speech in my class he explained the importance of journalism and continued to give tips to us amateur reporters. He explained that online journalism isn't any different from old school journalism in the sense that, you still can't plagiarize and have to be honest, and tell the truth.
He really emphasized the importance of social media. He told us that we should get connected everywhere whether this be in real life or online. He recommended that we should have accounts with twitter, blogs, and facebook. 

“That story starts with your work.” Neznanski said.

Your story is just the beginning, Online stories have a long tail, meaning they never really die, you can continue reporting and updating your original story.

Neznanski is a very reliable person to be getting pointers from. He has been a reporter for a awhile and now works with a company which greatly appreciates social media. He really stresses the importance to be connected and network. All these tips I will take to heart and will hopefully make me a better journalist.

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